Born: 1971 in Kalamazoo
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Valerie
Children: Two Children
Education: 1989-1993: B.A., Kalamazoo College, Biology; 1994-1999: M.D., Tulane University School of Medicine; 1999-2003: MPH, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Employment/Military Record: 2019-2024: CEO, Epiphany Health Consulting; 2020-2024: Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine; 2010-2017: VP and National Health Officer, YMCA of the USA; 2001-2017: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine;
2007-2010: Altarum Institute; 2003-2007: Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC); 2001-2003: Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP); 2000-2001: Evanston Northwestern University Hospital
Community Activities: 2019-2024: Board Member, Committee to Protect Healthcare; 2019-2024: Board Member, Committee to Protect Healthcare Education Fund; 2010-2024: Kalamazoo Area Runners
None introduced yet