Born: May 7, 1966 in Chicago, Illinois
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Randy Schaetzl
Children: Madeline, Annika and Heidi Schaetzl
Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Geography; University of Illinois (1988); Master's Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences with a specialization in Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University (1991)
Employment/Military Record: Environmental Chemist, Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr and Huber (FTCandH), 1991-94; Environmental Consultant, Michigan Biotechnology Institute (MBI), 1994-96; Member, Meridian Township Zoning Board of Appeals, 1998 Commissioner, Meridian Township Planning Commission, 1999; Meridian Township trustee, 2000-08; Meridian Township treasurer, 2008-present; state representative, 2019-present
Community Activities: Rotary Club of Haslett-Okemos since 2007; Served as the club's vice president, president elect and president. Member of the Meridian Area Business Association since 2001 and the Michigan Recycling Coalition. Active member of the Chippewa Parent Group for Okemos Public Schools and served as vice president of the Okemos Public Schools Parent Council from 2007-2008.
Religion: Catholic
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