Biographical Information
Born: in Petoskey
Marital Status: Married
Spouse/Partner: Kathryn
Children: Sylvia, Mackinac
Education: BA, University of Michigan, Political Science (2000)
Governmental Leadership (Elected or Appointed)
Senate (1/1/2019 - 12/31/2026)
House (1/1/2011 - 12/31/2016)
Other Offices: Washtenaw County Commissioner, 1999-2010
Elections and Political Participation
Michigan Senate 15th District 2022
General Vote:
89,399 of 120,571 (74%)
Primary Vote:
37,230 of 37,230 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
AFL-CIO Michigan;
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25;
American Federation of Teachers Michigan;
Michigan Association for Justice;
Michigan Education Association PAC;
Michigan League of Conservation Voters (primary);
Michigan Manufacturers Association (general);
Michigan Nurses Association (primary);
Michigan Realtors;
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights;
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan
Michigan Senate 18th District 2018
General Vote:
96,891 of 126,465 (76%)
Primary Vote:
19,875 of 55,779 (35%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan Nurses Association, Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, AFSCME Council 25, UAW (dual endorsement with Michelle Deatrick), Michigan AFL-CIO, Michigan Association for Justice, Sierra Club, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan (general election)
Michigan House 53rd District 2014
General Vote:
21,004 of 25,508 (82%)
Primary Vote:
8,811 of 8,811 (100%)
Campaign Finance Reports
The Michigan League of Conservation Voters, Michigan Nurses Association, AFL-CIO, Michigan Townships Association Political Action Committee, American Federation of Teachers-Michigan, AFSCME Council 25, Michigan Bankers Association PAC
Michigan House 53rd District 2012
General Vote:
32,576 of 40,250 (80%)
Primary Vote:
5,542 of 6,267 (88%)
Campaign Finance Reports
Michigan House 53rd District 2010
General Vote:
23,436 of 29,128 (80%)
Primary Vote:
5,051 of 9,896 (51%)