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Unpaid $90 Fee Led to Garrett's Disqualification
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

An unpaid $90 fee for filing a statement of organization late in a 2022 bid for the Wayne County Commission resulted in former Rep. LaTanya Garrett's disqualification from the 8th House District.

Campaign Notes: LaTanya Garrett Disqualified
Friday, May 24, 2024

Democrat LaTanya Garrett was disqualified from appearing on the Democratic primary ballot in the 8th House District, the Department of State website showed Friday.

House Committee Hears Testimony On Broadband Bills
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The House Energy, Communications and Technology Committee heard testimony Wednesday on two bills that supporters said would help bring high-speed internet to rural and isolated communities through federal grant dollars.

House Candidates File First Financial Disclosures
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Financial disclosures for non-incumbent candidates of the House were due for the first time on Wednesday with many candidates filing basic-level financial information as required under the law.

Fouts, Slotkin, Beydoun Ballot Access Challenged
Monday, May 6, 2024

Former Warren Mayor Jim Fouts was among many candidates who saw their ballot access challenged in submissions due last week, the Department of State said.

Hall, Tate, Xiong, McFall Facing Primaries; Bezotte Explains Switcheroo
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The leaders of the House Democratic and Republican caucuses are among the many incumbents facing primaries in August, though the level of seriousness will vary widely.

Detroit Plaintiffs Object To Redistricting Remedy Map
Monday, March 11, 2024

The Detroit plaintiffs who won a lawsuit against the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission said in a recent court filing that the remedy map adopted late last month would continue to violate the U.S. Constitution because it prejudices Black voters and favors incumbents under a racially gerrymandered plan already struck down by the court.

Detroit-Area Dems In Redrawn Districts Are Ready To Roll Despite Changes
Friday, March 1, 2024

Detroit-area House Democrats who would see significant changes in districts redrawn this week by the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission said in interviews that the new lines were surprising and somewhat disappointing, but they were ready to roll in terms of outreach in communities they don't currently represent.

Final Redistricting Map Could Mean Big Changes For Some Incumbents
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Members of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission on Wednesday voted to adopt a Detroit House district remedy map for court approval, and days ahead of the federal three-judge panel's March 1 deadline.

VRA-OK Maps Could Mean Significant Changes For Detroit House Reps
Monday, February 5, 2024

Three new map plans for the city of Detroit's House Districts drawn late last week by the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission could pit two representatives against each other in the Hamtramck area, would rearrange district territory around Birmingham and Royal Oak and significantly carve up the 13th District, currently the focus of a special election.

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